Find it Fast

Monday, September 17, 2018

Strive for improvement, not for change

I have been on this journey toward finding my inner light for a little over a year now.  During Allie's BMS Reset (more on that in another post) during those 3 days I had a bit of an epiphany.  I have been trying to find the element that was missing during the last year, I enjoyed the hard work into breaking barriers and moving forward...but there was still a lacking.  Something still holding me back.  I finally figured it out!!  To move forward on this journey...we must focus on improving our potential and to brighten our inner light...and stop trying to change it.

I have been focusing so hard on changing elements of my mind, body & soul and it has caused me to become so stuck. Each of us has so much of that untapped potential deep inside but we spend so much time trying to change it instead of growing into it.  Changing who we are, what we look like, what we think, how we feel.  All to what conform ourselves to what you or someone else thinks you should be??

We are seeing so much change in the world regarding the body.  Finally we are starting to realize that people are not going to, and not meant to, look a certain way...the same way.  Just like trying to change the body we also do with our mind and soul.  We shouldn't think that way, we shouldn't believe this, we shouldn't feel that.  Well I think it's time to say...forget all of that nonsense.  I think it is time to stop trying to conform to whatever model you may have in your mind.  Whether created by the beliefs that family instill in us when we are young or the beliefs society has imposed on you...or even just the unrealistic expectations that you have made for yourself.
Here are a few things I am currently doing to help me release those ridiculous thoughts and just tap into my own potential, personality and inner light.

 ✽  Find what you actually think, feel and enjoy and when you do, don't hide from it but embrace it.
This has been hard for me because I have always strived to be exactly what I thought everyone around me has expected.  Slowly I am learning that most of that is not what I want...not even a little...and let's be honest they probably didn't want that either.  I am slowly learning who I am and what I want to be.  Then comes the even harder task to let others see it.  It is difficult to embrace and be that which is different from those around us.  Even then if you can't embrace who you do you expect others to respect and love you and the progress you have made.

 ✽  Just release the damn expectations!!
Just let...that...shit...go.  When you hold an unrealistic image of yourself and your life you will spend your entire life disappointed.  Let all that go and start making goals that help you find your true self and achieve real happiness.

 ✽  Stop comparing yourself to others.
Theodore Roosevelt said "Comparison is the thief of joy" These words sure hit home with me.  I have spent my entire life comparing myself to others. Whether it be how I look, how well I keep my home, how I am not raising my kids like I should...the list goes on and on.  There is always someone or something that is further along in their journey than we are.  We can't compare our chapter 1 to someone that is on chapter 20.  Take away that comparison.  Just live, learn and love life.

 ✽  Connect with others on the same journey, we don't have to travel on our own.
This is something I had to learn the hard way.  I always felt so alone...always alone.  I have a loving husband, fantastic kids and supportive family, yet still was alone.  Somehow I got it stuck in my head that in order to progress, I had to go at this alone.  I have NO idea where I got this notion but I finally have learned to embrace and enjoy the support that others give me.  Social media is a great place to connect.  I have found a good support system and made such fantastic friends that are on the same journey.  DON'T go at this alone!  It is so much easier and, yes, better when you have others to share it with.

 ✽  Surround yourself with positivity.
Write down your affirmations on the bathroom mirror, put them on a sticky on your work computer.  Play positive music and do activities that make you smile.  Social media is a great platform to connect with others but it can also a be deep pit full of negativity if you are not careful.  Make sure you follow and keep these spaces positive.  Above all, keep that positive energy flowing!!  Keep a smile on your face and even when you are not feeling positive at that moment, just that small smile can help to change your mood.

 ✽  Create goals that help your inner light to brighten.
For the longest time my goals were x, y & that I can change my body and my life.  I have finally come around to realizing my goals should support what feels good in my mind, body & soul.  Not things that tear me down and make me feel less than I am.  It was a bit of a struggle to figure out what goals to set but I am coming around to some that are more positive.  Meditation because it makes me feel at peace, exercise because it makes me feel strong, more fruits and veggies because they make my body feel healthy.  The goals aren't much different but why you are working toward them makes all the difference.

 ✽  Last but not least.  Love!
Love your family, love you friends and love YOURSELF.  That's right, you have to learn to love yourself.  You know they say you can't fill up others cups if yours is empty.  I tell you that it is the same with love.  You can't truly love others if you don't love yourself.  One of the hardest exercises I ever did was stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself "I love you".  Seems simple but truly an eye opening exercise.  Tell yourself today that you love YOU, tell your spouse or partner that you love them, tell your kids you love them.  Do not hesitate to love!!

I am feeling so much more at peace in my mind, body and soul since coming to this realization.  I really am excited to go forward with life with a whole new improve every aspect of my life, mind, body & soul.

Featured Image Credit:  Pinterest