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Thursday, July 1, 2021

Lack of Focus with Spiritual Growth

I used to joke with my husband that I either did my workout or the was true.  But now that my physical body is stronger and my stamina has increased I am able to fit in both.  That being said...I notice the mental and spiritual fatigue that much more.  I think taking care of the body is the easiest first step on this journey because unless you feel well physically, it is tough to take care of the mind and soul.

Something needed to change so that I can build the strength in the mental and spiritual bodies too.  However, that is easier said than done.  I feel like that dog from Up, constantly distracted by that 'SQUIRREL'.  We laugh but it is so true.  I sit down with a book and then hear about another great one that pulls my focus and on, and on.
Having so many good resources in this day and age is great!!  We can easily get a book on our phones, so many podcasts, apps and other resources to access these tools.  With that for me comes so much inspiration and excitement and that has gotten me into some trouble with focusing on one task at a time.
Here are a few things that helped me to reign in my enthusiasm and regain the focus to continue to learn and grow:

1. Take a breath and just relax!

Part of the struggle for me is wanting to learn as much as possible as quick as possible.  The trouble with this is that I want to learn everything...that I end up not learning anything.  I used to think this was my "all or nothing" personality; either I do it all or I do nothing.  I am coming to realize this for me was an excuse for having no focus and eventually just give up trying.  So take a DEEP breath with me and relax.  Just learn to enjoy the journey...that other thing will be there for when you finish what you are working on now.

2. Start with what is really calling to you!

Enthusiasm for me was never a problem until I had to create my own curriculum.  After completing school for a while I thought it was all about just work.  Making money to create a life.  I have slowly realized that our human experience is to never stop learning.  For quite a while I was in a yoga studio that curated what I was learning but having left that environment to create my own path, it has been difficult to choose what to focus on.  So I just picked what is calling to me at that moment and moved forward.

3. Create a series of lists!

I find that these lists are helpful to keep my focus!  "Oh look at that great new book" add that to the list.  "Ooo, that podcast sounds awesome" add that to the list.  I have a list for almost everything!  Books, podcasts, yoga classes/courses, and even big dreams.  Things that I would love to do that just aren't in the cards right now.  Yes sometimes I look at these lists and think...I should be getting these done faster...but in the end, I can only go so fast.  There is no way to speed up spiritual growth, one day, one book, one class at a time.

4. Keep an open mind!

For quite sometime I thought I had to pick a certain path, like there was only one direction for me.  I quickly learned that is quite restricting and there is so much more out there.  Don't allow your focus to be pulled into tunnel vision.  I am not talking about just certain subject but also different teachers on the same subject.  They maybe teaching about the same thing but the different perspective may help you understand just that much more.

5. Surround yourself with support!

This for me has been quite the learning curve.  I thought I wanted to have a big group that I could engage with and for a while I did that.  I started in church, then through Facebook groups, then the yoga studio.  I learned quickly that large groups are not for me.  I got very overwhelmed with so many people and trying to engage with each and every one.  I found a few good friends and of course my husband and we help support each other along this journey.  Find what works best for you and grow with them.

6. Don't forget to set some goals!

This is so important!  I found that setting small goals was best for my personality.  I still fall into that all or nothing mentality easily.  I must meditate for 30 minutes.  I must read this book in a day.  I must do all these things now and get to my goal.  The truth is that this journey is just that a journey.  There is no end goal, but that can easily turn into almost a lazy approach and never completing anything.  These goals are important but should not be an "end" goal.  Keep them simple and inspired, never restricting and impossible.

7. Realize that it is never perfect!

I seriously fall into what I call "growth burnout".  Sometimes, I dive in to learning and spiritual growth so hard that I find myself mentally and spiritually exhausted.  I used to come down pretty hard on myself because who has time for a break with all the things I have on my list.  But just need to read a good fiction book, listen to a fun podcast or even just jam to some music.  Not only do I feel that it is not only normal but good for the soul.  There is nothing better than having balance!

These are a few things that worked for me but in the end it is up to you.  What do you need to keep on working towards your best self??  Take it one day at a time and just enjoy the journey.  You path is unique and there really isn't anything stopping you from moving forward.  Choose a path, make a plan and just enjoy! 💓