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Monday, August 6, 2018

Book Feature: The Miracle Morning

To begin our featured books on the blog I thought one of the best to start with is The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.  This book has certainly changed my life!!

Hal begins by telling what inspired the book to come to be.  The events in his life have not been the easiest and it is amazing that he was able to take all those experiences and create something so special that has helped thousands of people.  Not just to become a morning person but to better every aspect of their lives as well.

The basis of the book is to start each day with what he calls the SAVERS.  Just taking time to do these, even for just a minute each, and start your day with good energy and a positive mindset can make the difference between staying still in life and making those positive life changes.

He has tailored the miracle morning to many different types of people, from families to entrepreneurs, and from what I can find a few different languages as well.  There is something for everyone to learn from this book.  I personally have done so much growing since finding this book.

I went from telling everyone that I was not a morning person and never would be.  I would roll out of bed every morning about 15 minutes before I had to leave the house, throw on whatever clothes were the closest and did my makeup quickly in the car when I got to work.  I spent all day, everyday in a frenzied panic because I would start my day that way.

Now I still do my makeup in the car when I get to work...but the change is how I wake up every morning.  I don't quite yet do everything the book suggests in the morning...but I wake up 2 hours prior to having to leave the house.  I do prayer, meditation, journaling, yoga and sometimes I read while I drink my coffee.  All before I leave the house!!

I have come to learn to LOVE my mornings and my days go so much smoother and I am certainly a happier person!!  All it took was learning to change a few things in my mind and giving it a try.  I still love my evenings as much as I used to so I feel like my life is complete and well rounded.  I feel like I have time to improve myself body, mind and soul!

If you only had enough money to purchase one book today, I would recommend this over any out there. Take the time to start making small changes to your day to be able to find the best you that you can be.  Let me know in the comments how things went for you!

Here are a few places that you can hear from and get in touch with Hal:

Here are the support sites for The Miracle Morning as well.

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