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Thursday, August 2, 2018

The Benefits of Meditation

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As I am currently going through the 21 day meditation from Deepak Chopra I find myself not only thinking on the benefits of meditation but actually feeling them.  I have flirted with having a meditation practice for some time now and am finally starting to have a consistent practice, but actually feeling those benefits from them.

There are many studies connecting meditation to physical wellness.  "The relaxation response [from meditation] helps decrease metabolism, lowers blood pressure, and improves heart rate, breathing, and brain waves," says cardiologist Herbert Benson, MD, via WebMD.

Though I don't have any testing showing the physical benefits, I have much experience with some of the mental and emotional effects of doing consistent meditation each day.  Here are a few things that I have personally experienced just to give you an idea of some of the great things that can come.

        🙏 Less stress - I am sure that the daily meditation helps in lowering stress but I have also found it easier in times of stress to come back to quieting the mind. Even if that is just with one quick deep breath, I am able to calm myself for the work ahead.
        🙏 Lowered anxiety and depression - I am sure that my husband can put his 2 cents in on this one.  Before meditation I was one that would go from high anxiety to low depression pretty quickly.  I have not rid myself completely of these problems but they come less and less.  I am hoping to report back they have gone entirely in time.
        🙏  Increased focus - This one is the seller for me!  I previously had a problem with starting 100 things...and never finishing anything.  I find it easier to focus and complete one task before moving to another.
        🙏 Improved memory - I am sure you have heard the phrase "In one ear and out the other".  I was notorious for forgetting things almost instantly.  Now I can proudly say that I can recall things...maybe not perfectly depending on how busy I was at the time but hey, improvement is improvement. 😉
        🙏 More positive & happy - I have always been a positive person but it was more of the "fake it til you make it" forced positivity.  I am just plain happy at this more faking here.
        🙏 More relaxed - I used to get quite the tension headaches but meditating helps my body relax.  I have maybe had two tension headaches in the last year and those were during high stress moments.
        🙏  More inspiration and creativity - I have always been a creative person but that seems to have been blocked previously.  Opening your heart and mind really allows you to tap into these and really let yourself be who you are meant to be.
        🙏 Increased mindfulness and awareness - Last but not least...I have found myself truly living in the moment.  Not focusing on a million things running through my head but actually being mindful and aware of the moment and my surroundings!
I know that was a lot...but it seems the benefits of meditation help your mind, body and soul in so many ways.  I have become a better mom being able to focus directly on my children when they need me.  I have become a better employee being able to keep calm in the heat of the moment and get my work done under pressure.  I have become a better human...not so quick to rise to anger and being more compassionate to others as I have found compassion for myself.
Yes!  All these things came through finding a meditation practice!!  You can tap into mindfulness too!!  Over the next few weeks I will share more about meditation!  I will also share my complete thoughts on the 21 day meditation I am doing once I finish!!  I truly believe that mindfulness can help create a positive more compassionate world so let's all take that moment each day.  🕉

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